Jane Scarpantoni

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Jane Scarpantoni je americká hráčka na violoncello. V polovině osmdesátých let byla členkou skupiny Tiny Lights. Později hrála například se skupinou King Missile a spolupracovala s duem Indigo Girls. Je vyhledávanou studiovou hráčkou, hrála například s R.E.M. nebo Johnem Luriem.


Seznam není kompletní. * Cool Blue Halo (Richard Barone, 1987) * Green (+moreE. M. '>R. E. M. , 1988) * Workbook (Bob Mould, 1989) * Now and Again (The Grapes of Wrath, 1989) * Primal Dream (Richard Barone, 1990) * Clouds Over Eden (Richard Barone, 1993) * MTV Unplugged (10,000 Maniacs, 1993) * Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (Sarah McLachlan, 1993) * Withdrawal Method (Die Monster Die, 1994) * Swamp Ophelia (Indigo Girls, 1994) * Hips and Makers (Kristin Hersh, 1994) * This Perfect World (Freedy Johnston, 1994) * 1200 Curfews (Indigo Girls, 1995) * University (Throwing Muses, 1995) * Gone Again (Patti Smith, 1996) * Nine Objects of Desire (Suzanne Vega, 1996) * The Body Has a Head (John S. Hall, 1996) * Rarities, B-Sides and Other Stuff (Sarah McLachlan, 1996) * Sheryl Crow (Sheryl Crow, 1996) * Between Heaven and Cello (Richard Barone, 1997) * Freak Show (Silverchair, 1997) * Never Home (Freedy Johnston, 1997) * Aftertaste (Helmet, 1997) * Sunburn (Fuel, 1998) * Failure (King Missile III, 1998) * Neon Ballroom (Silverchair, 1999) * The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner (Ben Folds Five, 1999) * Ecstasy (Lou Reed, 2000) * White Pepper (Ween, 2000) * Out of Without (Luthea Salom, 2001) * Songs from a Bad Hat (Mauro, 2001) * Jingle All the Way (Crash Test Dummies, 2002) * C'mon C'mon (Sheryl Crow, 2002) * The Rising (Bruce Springsteen, 2002) * Chimera (Delerium, 2003) * The Raven (Lou Reed, 2003) * Animal Serenade (Lou Reed, 2004) * Misery Is a Butterfly (Blonde Redhead, 2004) * Royal Lunch (King Missile III, 2004) * Songs of the Unforgiven (Crash Test Dummies, 2004) * Haughty Melodic (Mike Doughty, 2005) * Spanish Fly: Live in Spain (Lou Reed, 2005) * Till the Sun Turns Black (Ray LaMontagne, 2006) * I Will Break Your Fall (Fernando Saunders, 2006) * Berlin: Live at St. Ann's Warehouse (Lou Reed, 2008) * Lovers Prayers (Ida, 2008) * Sunny Day (Elizabeth Mitchell, 2010) * The Summer I Stopped Whining (Little Green Blackbird, 2011).

5 min read
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