John Marshall (antropolog)

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

John Kennedy Marshall (12. listopadu 1932 Cambridge, Massachusetts - 22. dubna 2005 Boston, Massachusetts) byl americký filmař a antropolog, který se věnoval především vizuální antropologii. Hlavní oblastí jeho zájmu byla Afrika, natáčel především v Namibii.


1957 bakalářské studium antropologie Harvard University * 1960 studium antropologie na Yale University * 1966 magisterské studium antropologie na Harvard University


The Hunters: A . +moreKung Bushmen Film (1957) * A Group Of Women (1961) * A Joking Relationship (1962) * An Argument About Marriage (1969) * ‘N/um Tchai: The Ceremonial Dance of the . Kung Bushmen (1969) * A Curing Ceremony (1969) * Inside/Outside Station 9 (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1970) * The Melon Tossing Game (1970) * The Lion Game (1970) * Three Domestics (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1971) * Vagrant Woman (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1971) * Bitter Melons (1971) * Investigation of a Hit and Run (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1972) * 901/904 (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1972) * Debe’‘s Tantrum (1972) * Playing With Scorpions (1972) * A Rite of Passage (1972) * . Kung Bushmen Hunting Equipment (1972) * A Wasp Nest (1972) * After the Game (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * A Forty Dollar Misunderstanding (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * The Informant (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * A Legal Discussion of a Hit and Run (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * Manifold Controversy (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * Nothing Hurt But My Pride (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * Two Brothers (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * $21 or 21 Days (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * Wrong Kid (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * You Wasn't Loitering (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * Henry Is Drunk (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * The 4th, 5th, & Exclusionary Rule (Pittsburgh Police Series, 1973) * Men Bathing (1973) * The Meat Fight (1974) * Baobab Play (1974) * Children Throw Toy Assegais (1974) * Tug-Of-War-Bushmen (1974) * If It Fits (1978) * N. ai, the Story of a . Kung Woman (1980) * Pull Ourselves Up Or Die Out (1985) * The . Kung San: Traditional Life (1987) * The . Kung San: Resettlement (1988) * To Hold Our Ground: A Field Report (1990) * Between Two Worlds: John Marshall * A Kalahari Family.

Související články

Vizuální antropologie * Antropologie


Externí odkazy

[url=https://web. archive. +moreorg/web/20080513074220/http://www. newenglandfilm. com/news/archives/05june/marshall. htm]Životopis[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20080513174059/http://www. newenglandfilm. com/news/archives/03march/marshall. htm]Článek o J. M. [/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20071021190931/http://www. chimurenga. co. za/modules. php. name=News&file=article&sid=86]Článek v časopise Chimurenga[/url] * [url=http://www. filmreference. com/Directors-Lu-Mi/Marshall-John-Kennedy. html]Biografie, filmografie, bibliografie[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20080526142814/http://www. der. org/films/pittsburgh-police. html]článek o sérii pittsburských dokumentů[/url].

Kategorie:Američtí antropologové Kategorie:Režiséři etnografických filmů Kategorie:Američtí dokumentaristé Kategorie:Etnografové Kategorie:Narození v roce 1932 Kategorie:Narození 12. +more listopadu Kategorie:Narození v Cambridgi (Massachusetts) Kategorie:Úmrtí v roce 2005 Kategorie:Úmrtí 22. dubna Kategorie:Úmrtí v Bostonu Kategorie:Muži Kategorie:Zemřelí na karcinom plic Kategorie:Absolventi Harvardovy univerzity.

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