Maurice Cornforth

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Maurice Campbell Cornforth (28. října 1909, Londýn, Anglie - 31. prosince 1980, tamtéž) byl britský, marxisticky orientovaný filozof, propagátor dialektického a historického materialismu. Vystudoval na Trinity College v Camdridgi a po ukončení studií se stal členem Komunistické strany Velké Británie (1931). Maurice Cornforth rovněž proslul kritikou dvou Popperových knih: Otevřená společnost a její nepřátelé (1945) a Bída historicismu (1957). S kritikou těchto Popperových prací vystoupil Maurice Cornforth ve své knize The Open Philosophy and the Open Society: A Reply to Dr. Karl Popper's Refutations of Marxism (1968). Sovětští marxisté hodnotili tuto Cornforthovu knihu takto:


Food and Farming for Victory, Communist Party Pamphlet (1942) * Science Versus Idealism: An Examination of "Pure Empiricism" and Modern Logic (1946) * Dialectical Materialism and Science (1949) * In Defense of Philosophy - Against Positivism and Pragmatism (1950) * Science for Peace and Socialism (c. 1950) with +more_D. _Bernal'>J. D. Bernal * [url=https://archive. org/details/MaterialismDialecticalMethod]Dialectical Materialism Vol. 1: Materialism & the Dialectical Method[/url], [url=https://archive. org/details/HistoricalMaterialismCornforth]Vol. 2: Historical Materialism[/url], [url=https://archive. org/details/CornforthTheoryOfKnowledge]Vol 3: Theory of Knowledge[/url], and later editions * Readers' Guide to the Marxist Classics (1952) * [url=https://archive. org/details/RumanianSummer]Rumanian Summer: A View of the Rumanian People's Republic[/url] (1953) with Jack Lindsay * [url=https://archive. org/details/scienceversusidealismcornforth]Science Versus Idealism: In Defense of Philosophy against Positivism and Pragmatism[/url] (1955) * Philosophy for Socialists (1959) * Marxism and the Linguistic Philosophy (1965) * [url=https://archive. org/details/CornforthOpenPhil]The Open Philosophy and the Open Society: A Reply to Dr. Karl Popper's Refutations of Marxism[/url] (1968) * Communism and Human Values (1972) * Rebels and Their Causes: Essays in honour of A. L. Morton (1978) editor * Communism & Philosophy: Contemporary Dogmas and Revisions of Marxism (1980).

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