Cena Augusta Derletha

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Cena Augusta Derletha je každoročně (od roku 1972) udělována členy British Fantasy Society nejlepšímu románu roku v rámci ceny British Fantasy Award. Je pojmenována podle amerického spisovatele Augusta Derletha.

Přehled oceněných

Seznam oceněných: * 1972 - The Knight of the Swords, Michael Moorcock * 1973 - The King of the Swords, Michael Moorcock * 1974 - Hrolf Kraki's Saga, Poul Anderson * 1975 - The Sword and the Stallion, Michael Moorcock * 1976 - The Hollow Lands, Michael Moorcock * 1977 - The Dragon and the George, Gordon R. +more Dickson * 1978 - A Spell for Chameleon, Piers Anthony * 1979 - The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever, Stephen R. Donaldson * 1980 - Death's Master, Tanith Lee * 1981 - To Wake the Dead, Ramsey Campbell * 1982 - Cujo, Stephen King * 1983 - The Sword of the Lictor, Gene Wolfe * 1984 - Floating Dragon, Peter Straub * 1985 - Incarnate, Ramsey Campbell * 1986 - The Ceremonies, T. E. D. Klein * 1987 - It, česky: To, Stephen King * 1988 - The Hungry Moon, Ramsey Campbell * 1989 - The Influence, Ramsey Campbell * 1990 - Carrion Comfort, Dan Simmons * 1991 - Midnight Sun, Ramsey Campbell * 1992 - Outside the Dog Museum, Jonathan Carroll * 1993 - Dark Sister, Graham Joyce * 1994 - The Long Lost, Ramsey Campbell * 1995 - Only Forward, Michael Marshall Smith * 1996 - Requiem, Graham Joyce * 1997 - The Tooth Fairy, Graham Joyce * 1998 - Light Errant, Chaz Brenchley * 1999 - Bag of Bones, česky: Pytel kostí, Stephen King * 2000 - Indigo, Graham Joyce * 2001 - Perdido Street Station, China Miéville * 2002 - The Night of the Triffids, česky: Noc trifidů, Simon Clark * 2003 - The Scar, česky Jizva, China Miéville * 2004 - Full Dark House, Christopher Fowler * 2005 - Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower, Stephen King * 2006 - Anansi Boys, česky: Anansiho chlapci, Neil Gaiman * 2007 - Dusk, Tim Lebbon * 2008 - The Grin of the Dark, Ramsey Campbell * 2009 - Memoirs of a Master Forger, William Heaney * 2010 - One, Conrad Williams * 2011 - Demon Dance, Sam Stone * 2012 - The Ritual, Adam Nevill * 2013 - Last Days, Adam Nevill * 2014 - The Shining Girls, Lauren Beukesová * 2015 - No One Gets Out Alive, Adam Nevill * 2016 - Rawblood, Catriona Wardová * 2017 - Disappearance at Devil's Rock, Paul G. Tremblay * 2018 - The Changeling, Victor LaValle * 2019 - Little Eve, Catriona Wardová.

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