Cindy Shermanová

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Vernisáž výstavy Cindy Shermanové, březen 2009, Amsterdam Cindy Shermanová, výstava Amsterdam

Cindy Shermanová (anglicky: Cindy Sherman, * 19. +more ledna 1954 Glen Ridge) je americká fotografka a filmová režisérka známá svými konceptuálními autoportréty. V současnosti žije a tvoří v New Yorku. Roku 1995 obdržela MacArthurovu cenu.


Fotografická kariéra

Pracuje v sériích a cyklech, typicky fotografuje sama sebe v různých kostýmech. Zobrazuje vlastní tvář, ale většinou celé své tělo.

V reakci na fotografie Roberta Mapplethorpa a Andrese Serrana v roce 1989 Shermanová nafotografovala cyklus Sex.

Ocenění a stipendia

1977 - National Endowment for the Arts * 1983 - Guggenheimovo stipendium * 1989 - Skowhegan Medal for Photography, Maine * 1993 - Larry Aldrich Foundation Award, Connecticut * 1995 - MacArthurova cena * 1997 - Wolfgang-Hahn-Preis Köln * 1999 - Goslarer Kaiserring ** 1999 - Hasselblad Award * 2001 - International Award in Photography, Hasselblad Foundation * 2002 - National Arts Award * 2012 - Cena Roswithy Haftmann


2007 - Cindy Sherman: A Play of Selves. Hatje Cantz. +more . * 2006 - Cindy Sherman: Working Girl. Contemporary Art Museum, St. Louis. . * 2004 - Cindy Sherman: Centerfolds. Skarstedt Fine Art. . * 2003 - Cindy Sherman: The Complete Untitled Film Stills. Museum of Modern Art. . * 2002 - Elisabeth Bronfen, et. al. Cindy Sherman: Photographic Works 1975-1995 (Paperback). Schirmer/Mosel. . * 2001 - Early Work of Cindy Sherman. Glenn Horowitz Bookseller. . * 2000 - Leslie Sills, et. al. In Real Life: Six Women Photographers. Holiday House. . * 2000 - Amanda Cruz, et. al. Cindy Sherman: Retrospective (Paperback). Thames & Hudson, . * 1999 - The Essential: Cindy Sherman. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. , . * 1999 - Shelley Rice (ed. ) Inverted Odysseys: Claude Cahun, Maya Deren, Cindy Sherman. MIT Press. .


[url=]An Interview with Betsy Berne and pictures by Cindy Sherman, Tate Magazine[/url]

Film a video

Cindy Sherman [videorecording] : Transformations. by Paul Tschinkel; Marc H Miller; Sarah Berry; Stan Harrison; Cindy Sherman; Helen Winer; Peter Schjeldahl; Inner-Tube Video. +more 2002, 28 minutes, Color. NY: Inner-Tube Video.


Michael Kelly, "Danto and Krauss on Cindy Sherman", In: M. A. Holly & K. Moxey (eds.), Art history, Aesthetics, Visual studies. Massachusetts: Clark Art Institute, 2002.


Díla (výběr, externí odkazy) * [url=http://www. tate. +moreorg. uk/servlet/ViewWork. cgroup999999961&work21898&search6522&tabview=image]Untitled A (1975)[/url] * [url=http://www. tate. org. uk/servlet/ViewWork. cgroup999999961&work66656&search7252&tabview=image]Untitled (Bus Riders) (1976)[/url] * [url=http://www. art-forum. org/z_Sherman/IP/HP_Fashion. htm]Fashion #123 (1983)[/url] * [url=http://www. art-forum. org/z_Sherman/IP/HP_222,1990. htm]History Portrait #222 (1990)[/url] * [url=http://www. art-forum. org/z_Sherman/IP/HP_224,1990. htm]History Portrait #224 (1990)[/url] * [url=http://www. art-forum. org/z_Sherman/IP/HP_253,1992. htm]Sex Pictures #253 (1992)[/url] * [url=http://www. art-forum. org/z_Sherman/IP/HP_SP_261,1992. htm]Sex Pictures #261 (1992)[/url] * [url=http://www. artnet. com/Galleries/Artists_Detail. asp. a15454&g744&rta=http://www. artnet. com]Untitled (Clowns) (2000)[/url]


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Externí odkazy

[url=http://www. cindysherman. +morecom]Neoficiální stránky Cindy Sherman[/url] * [url=http://www. jca-online. com/sherman. html]Interview se Cindy Sherman[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20061205221321/http://elsa. photo. net/cindy. htm]1985 Review by Elsa Dorfman[/url] * [url=http://query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html. res=9C0CE6D6113AF932A35751C0A966958260]1990 New York Times Profile[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20080517082950/http://www. metropicturesgallery. com/index. php. mode=artists&object_id=4]Metro Pictures Slide Show, 1978-2005[/url] * [url=http://www. moma. org/exhibitions/1997/sherman/index. html]"The Complete Untitled Film Stills" výstava (1997) The Museum of Modern Art, New York[/url] * [url=http://www. artfacts. net/index. php/pageType/artistInfo/artist/2789]Cindy Sherman na artfacts. net[/url] * [url=http://www. artinfo24. com/kuenstler-verzeichnis. php. id=273]Cindy Sherman[/url] nové výstavy a novinky * [url=http://lesk. cas. sk/clanok/33735/cindy-sherman-fotografka-ktora-je-sama-sebe-muzou. html]Cindy Sherman: Fotografka, ktorá je sama sebe múzou[/url].

Kategorie:Americké fotografky Kategorie:Portrétní fotografové Kategorie:Narození 19. +more ledna Kategorie:Narození v roce 1954 Kategorie:Narození v Glen Ridge (New Jersey) Kategorie:Žijící lidé Kategorie:Ženy.

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