Cool Gardens

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Cool Gardens je kniha poezie od Serje Tankiana, frontmana kapely System of a Down. Vydalo ji MTV Books 1. října 2002. Kniha je sbírka sedmi až osmi let z Tankianova života, ilustrace provedl Sako Shahinian. Básně, stejně jako písničky System of a Down, obsahují odraz společnosti a lidských chyb. Ukazuje, co lidé dělají sami sobě a jak kontrolují ostatní, aby se udrželi na vrcholu.

Kniha byla v umělecké společnosti velmi chválena.

Jeho kolega básník a muzikant Saul Williams napsal následující komentář o Serji Tankianovi:

Serj's words, like his voice, have a distinct aesthetic sensibility connected to an unyielding, visceral roar of passion. His capacity 'to mock a killing bird' while we wonder at the grace, beauty, and colorful range of his wingspan will be the trademark of both of his singing and writing careers. +more Serj is an amazing artist, full of passion, with a beautiful heart that pumps the essence of his vision and talent.

Seznam básní

Prenatal Familiarities * From Words To Portraits * Mer * Businessman vs. Homeless * A Metaphor. +more * Duty Free Fear * Day Or Night * Matter * The Count * Wet Flower * Mercury * City Of Blinds * Compassion * Brain Waves * Compliment * Rain * Subatomic Music * Days Inn * Partial Moons * Soil * The Void * Sun Bear * Kevorkian Patient's Plee * I Don't Want To Shower * Desystemization * Mix * Information * Silence * Tars * Nil * Reality The Beautiful * Jeffrey, Are You Listening. * Freezing * Pen * Fermented Husbands * Artco. * Indentured Servitude * Dawn * Conquer. * Circus Tiger * Friik * PsychiatryPsychiatry * Orange Light * Words Of A Madman * My Words * Misunderstood Rose * Defeatism * Children * Prop. 192 * Child's Man * I Am My Woman * Overload * Time For Bed * Am * Identity * Permanently Plucked * Shine * Now * Self Elimination * New Ear * Dr. Trance * Puzzle * Death * A Mess * Felix The Cat * Revolution * A Letter To Congress * Data * Minute Horizons * Art * Primrose * Touche' * Life Savers * Nations * One Word * Lighter * Addiction * 12 Lives * House Of Flies * Cat Naps * Culture * NYC * I Am Ready * Her Eye * Edge Of A Sink * I'm Erica * First Entry * Flux.



[url=]Cool Gardens na[/url]

Kategorie:Knihy z roku 2002 Kategorie:System of a Down Kategorie:Básnická díla americké literatury

5 min read
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