Ekai Kawaguči
Albert FloresReference
; anglicky * Berry, Scott: A Stranger in Tibet: The Adventures of a Wandering Zen Monk. Kodansha International, Tokyo, 1989. +more * Hopkirk, Peter (1997): Trespassers on the Roof of the World: The Secret Exploration of Tibet. Kodansha Globe (Pbk). . * Kawaguchi, Ekai (1909): Three Years in Tibet. Reprint: Book Faith India (1995), Delhi. . / [url=http://www. orchidbooks. com/bib_hima. html#thryrstib]Orchid Press[/url], Thailand. (2003) . Originally published by The Theosophical Office, Adyar, Madras, 1909. * Subedi, Abhi: Ekai Kawaguchi:The Trespassing Insider. Mandala Book Point. Kathmandu, 1999.
Externí odkazy
[url=https://web. archive. +moreorg/web/20071109102646/http://www. pref. kyoto. jp/visitkyoto/en/theme/sites/shrines/temples/obakusan/]Brief description and photo of the Obakusan Manpuku-ji Temple[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20080703210817/http://www. jref. com. /practical/uji_byodoin. shtml]Photos of Obakusan Manpuku-ji Temple[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20051127082350/http://www. jref. com/gallery/showphoto. php/photo/1416]more photos of Obakusan Manpuku-ji Temple[/url].
Kategorie:Narození v roce 1866 Kategorie:Úmrtí v roce 1945 Kategorie:Japonci Kategorie:Buddhismus v Tibetu Kategorie:Dějiny Tibetu Kategorie:Dějiny Nepálu Kategorie:Muži