Frederick Wilfrid Lancaster

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Frederick Wilfrid (Wilf) Lancaster (4. září 1933 - 25. srpna 2013) byl americký informační vědec zabývající se především získáváním informací a indexováním.


Narodil se ve Stanley (Durham County, Velká Británie). V letech 1953 - 1962 pracoval především jako knihovník a v roce 1963 zahájil vědeckou kariéru. +more Nejprve pracoval v Newcastle-upon-Tyne Public Libraries a ve společnosti Tube Investments. Po odchodu do Spojených států amerických v roce 1959 pracoval v Akron Public Library, ve společnostech The Babcock and Wilcox, Herner and Company a v National Library of Medicine v Marylandu. Poté pracoval pro společnost Westat Research až do roku 1970, kdy nastoupil jako profesor na Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [2].

Se svou ženou Cesarií se oženil 24. června 1961, a v říjnu následujícího roku se jim narodila dcera Miriam. +more Na konci roku 1962 se přestěhovali do Anglie, ale zde zůstali jen 1 rok a poté se opět vrátili do USA a usadili se v Marylandu. Zde se jim narodili dva synové, Owen (1965) a Jude (1969). V roce 1970, když začal Lancaster na plný úvazek učit na University of Illinois, se přestěhovali do Urbany, kde se jim v roce 1973 narodil nejmladší syn Aaron. Později (1992 a 2003) si osvojili ještě dvě indické dívky - Lakshmi a Raji. [http://www. renner-wikoffchapel. com/fh/obituaries/obituary. cfm. o_id=2204062][http://wiki. knihovna. cz/index. php/Frederick_Wilfrid_Lancaster#cite_note-2].


Lancaster pracoval jako knihovník a badatel a později jako profesor. Mezi milníky jeho profesního života patřily pozice specialista pro informační systémy Národní lékařské knihovny v Marylandu. +more Tamtéž se posléze stal ředitelem služby vyhledávání informací. Mezi lety 1970 a 1973 působil jako ředitel programu biomedicínské knihovnictví. [url=https://www. thefreelibrary. com/Curriculum+vitae+for+F. +Wilfrid+Lancaster. -a0184699143]].

Za svou profesní kariéru poskytoval poradenství více než 30 agenturám a knihovnám ve Spojených státech i v zahraničí. Mezi nimi jsou například následující: National Library of Medicine (NLM, Národní lékařská knihovna), UNESCO, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); American Film Institute (Americký filmový institut), US Army Corps of Engineers (Americké armádní sbory inženýrů), National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (Národní institut neurologických chorob a mrtvice), Arab League Documentation Centre (Arabská liga dokumentačního centra) v Egyptě, národní knihovnám Austrálie a Venezuely a Bureau National d'Information Scientifique et Technique (Národní úřad pro vědecké a technické informace) v Paříži. +more[https://www. thefreelibrary. com/Curriculum+vitae+for+F. +Wilfrid+Lancaster. -a0184699143[/url].



2001 - Intelligent technologies in library and information service applications - s Amy J. Warnerovou * 2001 - Procesamiento de la información científica - s María Pinto * 1999 - Build your own database - s Péterem Jacsó * 1995 - Out in the cold : academic boycotts and the isolation of South Africa - s Lorrainem J. +more Haricombem * 1997 - Technology and management in library and information services - s Beth Sandore * 1993 - Information retrieval today - s Amy J. Warnerovou * 1991 - Indexing and abstracting in theory and practice * 1988 - If you want to evaluate your library. * 1983 - Compatibility issues affecting information systems and services - s Lindou C. Smithovou * 1983 - Guidelines for the evaluation of training courses, workshops, and seminars * 1982 - Libraries and librarians in an age of electronics * 1981 - Investigative methods in library and information science : an introduction - s Johnen Martynem * 1978 - Toward paperless information systems * 1977 - Measurement and evaluation of library services - s M. J. Joncich * 1975 - Guidelines for the evaluation of training courses, workshops, and seminars in scientific and technical information and documentation * 1973 - Information retrieval: on-line - s Emily Gallup Faynovou * 1972 - Evaluation of on-line searching in MEDLARS (AIM-TWX) by biomedical practitioners * 1972 - Vocabulary control for information retrieval * 1968 - Evaluation of the MEDLARS demand search service * 1968 - Information retrieval systems; characteristics, testing, and evaluation.

Editorská práce

1993 - Libraries and the future : essays on the library in the twenty-first century * 1992 - Artificial intelligence and expert systems : will they change the library. - s Lindou C. +more Smithovou * 1991 - Ethics and the librarian * 1991 - Measurement and evaluation of library services * 1987 - What is user friendly. - sborník z 23. konference Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 1986 * 1983 - Library automation as a source of management informatik - sborník z 19. konference Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, 1982 * 1977 - Evaluation and scientific management of libraries and information centres : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Evaluation and Scientific Management of Libraries and Information Centres, Bristol, U. K. , August 17-29, 1975] - s C. W. Cleverdonem.


2003 - Do indexing and abstracting have a future. Anales de Documentacion, 6, 137-144. +more * 1999 - Second thoughts on the paperless society. Library Journal, 124(15), 48-50. * 1995 - Needs, demands and motivations in the use of sources of information. Journal of Information, Communication & Library Science, 1(3), 3-18. * 1995 - The evolution of electronic publishing, Library Trends, 43(4), 518-527. * 1995 - Attitudes in academia toward feasibility and desirability of networked scholarly publishing. Library Trends, 43(4), 741-752. * 1992 - Threat or opportunity. The future of library services in the light of technological innovations. Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, 15(3), 266-279. * 1990 - Evaluation as a management tool. Public Libraries, 29(5), 289-294. * 1988 - Obsolescence, weeding and the utilization of space. Wilson Library Bulletin 62(9), 47-49. * 1985 - Educating the agricultural information specialist. Revista AIBDA, 6(2), 101-124. * 1985 - The evaluation of information services. Open, 17(10), 428-434. * 1985 - The paperless society revisited. American Libraries, 16(8), 553-555. * 1985 - Computers and libraries: The response of library education. Illinois Libraries, 67(5), 469-472. * 1984 - Some publication patterns in Indian and Japanese science: A bibliometric comparison. International Forum on Information and Documentation, 9(4), 11-16. * 1984 - Implications for library and information science education. Library Trends, 32(3), 337-348. * 1984 - The electronic librarian. National Central Library Newsletter (Republic of China) 15, 83-85. * 1983 - Electronic publishing: Its impact on the distribution of information. National Forum, 63, 3-5. * 1983 - Future librarianship: Preparing for an unconventional career. Wilson Library Bulletin, 57(9), 747-753. * 1983 - Libraries and the information age. T'u Shu Kuan Hseuh Ch'ing Pao Hsueh, 1, 1-10. * 1982 - The evolving paperless society and its implications for libraries. International Forum on Information and Documentation, 7 (4), 3-10. * 1981 - Optimizing the sequence of user/librarian interaction in the literature searching situation. The Reference Librarian, 1/2, 117-121. * 1982 - Evaluating collections by their use. Collection Management 4(1/2), 15-43. * 1981 - The electronic publication. Show-Me Libraries, 33(1/2), 58-62. * 1981 - Some considerations relating to the cost-effectiveness of online services in libraries. Aslib Proceedings, 33(1), 10-14. * 1980 - The research library of 2001. Oklahoma Librarian, 30(October), 42-46. * 1979 - Science, scholarship and the communication of knowledge. Library Trends 27(3), 367-388. - s Lindou C. Smithovou * 1979 - Mission possible--a future information system. Canadian Library Journal, 36(6), 339-342. * 1977 - The dissemination of scientific and technical information. Proceedings of the 1976 Conference of NordData (NordData, June 2-4, 1976, Helsinki). * 1974 - The information services librarian. Australian Special Libraries News, 7(6), 139-149. * 1972 - Evaluating the effectiveness of an on-line, natural language retrieval system. Information Storage and Retrieval, 8(5), 22345. * 1972 - Critical evaluation of a computer-based medical literature search and retrieval system. Post Graduate Medicine, 51(5), 47-50. * 1971 - Are we ready for on-line information retrieval. Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery, 565-68. * 1971 - The evaluation of published indexes and abstract journals. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 59(3), 479-94. * 1971 - Aftermath of an evaluation. Journal of Documentation, 27(1), 1-10. * 1971 - The cost-effectiveness analysis of information retrieval and dissemination systems. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 22(1), 12-27. * 1970 - User education: The next major thrust in information science. Journal of Education for Librarianship, 11 (1), 55-63. * 1969 - MEDLARS: Report on the evaluation of its operating efficiency. American Documentation, 20(2), 119-42. * 1969 - Costs, performance and benefits of information systems. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, 6, 501505. * 1969 - MEDLARS: A multipurpose information system. INSPEL, 4(1), 22-27. * 1968 - Interaction between requesters and a large mechanized retrieval system. Information Storage and Retrieval, 4, 239-252. * 1966 - Evaluating the small information retrieval system. Journal of Chemical Documentation, 6(3), 158-60. * 1965 - A case study in the application of Cranfield system evaluation techniques. Journal of Chemical Documentation, 5(2), 92-96. * 1965 - Engineering documentation: Indexing vs. classification. Machine Design, 105-107. * 1964 - Uncovering some facts of life in information retrieval. Special Libraries, 55(2), 86-91. * 1964 - Testing indexes and index language devices: The ASLIB Cranfield Project. American Documentation, 15(1), 4-13. * 1963 - Towards automatic information systems. New Scientist, 20(367), 535-38.

Další publikace

1990 - Report on the last copy center study - společně s Terrym L. Weechem a Brycem Allenem * 1985 - Thesaurus construction and use : a condensed course - na zakázku pro UNESCO * 1978 - Guidelines for the evaluation of information systems and services - na zakázku pro UNESCO


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Kategorie:Narození v roce 1933 Kategorie:Úmrtí v roce 2013 Kategorie:Narození 4. +more září Kategorie:Úmrtí 25. srpna Kategorie:Američtí knihovníci Kategorie:Muži.

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