Guyanská hymna

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Hymna Guyany je píseň Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains . Hudbu složil Robert Cyril Gladstone Potter a text napsal Archibald Leonard Luker. Hymna byla přijata měsíc před vyhlášením nezávislosti Guyany v roce 1966.

Oficiální text

:Dear land of Guyana, of rivers and plains :Made rich by the sunshine, and lush by the rains, :Set gem-like and fair, between mountains and seas, :Your children salute you, dear land of the free.

:Green land of Guyana, our heroes of yore, :Both bondsmen and free, laid their bones on your shore. :This soil so they hallowed, and from them are we, :All sons of one Mother, Guyana the free.

:Great land of Guyana, diverse though our strains, :We're born of their sacrifice, heirs of their pains, :And ours is the glory their eyes did not see, :One land of six peoples, united and free.

:Dear land of Guyana, to you will we give, :Our homage, our service, each day that we live; :God guard you, great Mother, and make us to be :More worthy our heritage, land of the free.


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Guyana Hymna

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