Albert FloresHisteroidea je nadčeleď brouků v infrařádu Staphyliniformia.
Někteří autoři řadí Histeroidea jako samostatnou čeleď do nadčeledi Hydrophiloidea. V současnosti jsou rozeznávány tři čeledi: * Histeridae * Sphaeritidae * Synteliidae
Beutel, R. G. +more & Leschen, R. A. B. (2005). Phylogenetic analysis of Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera) based on characters of larvae and adults. Systematic Entomology 30: 510-548. * Lawrence, J. F. and A. F. Newton. (1982). Evolution and classification of beetles. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 13: 261-290. * Newton, A. F. , Jr. & M. K. Thayer. (1992). Current classification and family-group names in Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera). Fieldiana: Zoology (N. S. ) 67: 1-92. * Newton, A. F. & M. K. Thayer. (2005). Catalog of higher taxa, genera, and subgenera of Staphyliniformia. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History. URL: http://www. fieldmuseum. org/peet_staph/db_1a. html.
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[url=http://www.tolweb.org/Histeroidea]Tree of Life web project[/url]