Israel Kirzner
Albert FloresIsrael Meir Kirzner (Jisra'el Mayer Kirzner) (* 13. února 1930) je ekonom a současný vůdčí představitel tzv. Rakouské školy. Syn proslulého rabína a talmudisty se narodil v Londýně, v Anglii a přišel přes Jižní Afriku do USA.
Po studiích na Universitě v Kapském Městě v Jižní Africe (1947-48) a v Londýně (1950-51), Kirzner obdržel titul bakalář od Brooklyn College v roce 1954, titul MBA v roce 1955 a +more'>Ph. D. od New York University v roce 1957 (kde studoval pod vedením Ludwiga von Misese).
Kirznerovo hlavní přispění k ekonomické teorii je v oblasti ekonomie znalostí, podnikání a etice trhů. Je emeritní profesor na New York University a je v současnosti vůdčím pokračovatelem myšlenek a metodologie Ludwiga von Misese.
* "Entrepreneurial Discovery and The Competitive Market Process: An Austrian Approach," Journal of Economic Literature. (March 1997) * The Meaning of Market Process. +more (Routledge 1992) * Discovery, Capitalism and Distributive Justice. (Basil Blackwell 1989) * The Economic Point of View: An Essay in the History of Economic Thought. (Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, Inc. , 1976; [http://www. mises. org/books/pointofview. pdf]) * Competition and Entrepreneurship, (Chicago 1973), .
Externí odkazy
[url=http://kovanda. blog. +moretyden. cz/clanky/3818/reklama-neznasilnuje-israel-kirzner. html]Lukáš Kovanda: Rozhovor s Israelem Kirznerem[/url] * [url=http://www. econ. nyu. edu/user/kirzner]Israel Kirzner's Faculty Page[/url] * [url=http://www. econ. nyu. edu/dept/vitae/kirzner. htm]Israel Kirzner's Curriculum Vitae[/url] * [url=http://kirznerlinks. causaliberal. net]Causa Liberal's Collection of Kirzner essay links[/url] * [url=http://www. cato. org/pubs/pas/pa018. html]"Competition, Regulation, and the Market Process: An "Austrian" Perspective," by Israel Kirzner[/url] * [url=http://www. reasonpapers. com/pdf/01/rp_1_1. pdf]„Producer, Entrepreneur, and the Right to Property,“ by Israel Kirzner[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20071120125101/http://www. cato. org/pubs/journal/cj19n2/cj19n2-2. pdf]„Mises and His Understanding of the Capitalist System,“ by Israel Kirzner[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20080210215643/http://www. mises. org/journals/aen/aen17_1_1. asp]An Interview with Israel M. Kirzner: Between Mises and Keynes[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20061016133731/http://www. libertyhaven. com/theoreticalorphilosophicalissues/supplysideeconomics/kirznersupplydemand. shtml]James Ahiakpor (chairman of the Dept. of economics at California State University): Israel Kirzner on Supply and Demand[/url] * [url=http://www. boogieonline. com/revolution/commerce/economic/books/kirzner. html]Notes on Kirzner's Competition and Entrepreneurship[/url] * [url=http://www. auburn. edu/~garriro/r24kirzner. htm]The Undiscountable Professor Kirzner: Essays on Capital and Interest: An Austrian Perspective Reviewed by Roger W. Garrison[/url] * [url=http://austrianeconomists. typepad. com/weblog/2005/09/kirzner. html]Peter Boettke make a case for a Nobel for Kirzner[/url] * [url=http://austrianeconomists. typepad. com/weblog/2006/11/lifetime_achiev. html]Lifetime Achievement Award given to Israel Kirzner[/url] * [url=http://austrianeconomists. typepad. com/weblog/2006/01/great_news_abou. html]FSF Nutek Award given to Israel Kirzner[/url].
Kategorie:Narození v roce 1930 Kategorie:Žijící lidé Kategorie:Američtí ekonomové Kategorie:Židovští spisovatelé Kategorie:Muži Kategorie:Narození 13. +more února.