James Herbert Brennan

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

James Herbert Brennan (5. července 1940, Irsko - 1. ledna 2024) byl irský spisovatel fantastické literatury.

Svou kariéru zahájil jako novinář ve věku 18 let. Když mu bylo 24 let, se stal nejmladším vydavatelem novin v Irsku. +more Od počátku své kariéry v literatuře jevil velký zájem o okultismus.

Jeho nejpozoruhodnější práce je Occult Reich, kterou publikoval v roce 1974, kde vyšetřuje nacistickou mystiku.


Literatura faktu

Astral Doorways (1971) * Five Keys to Past Lives (1972) * Experimental Magic (1972) * Occult Reich (1974) * An Occult History of the World (1976) * Getting What You Want (1977) * Good Con Guide (1978) * Reincarnation (1981) * A Guide to Megalithic Ireland (1982) * Discover Your Past Lives: A Practical Course (1984) * The Reincarnation Workbook: A Complete Course in Recalling Past Lives (1989) * The Astral Projection Workbook: How to Achieve Out-of-Body Experiences (1989) * Mindpower : Succeed at School (1990) * Mindpower: Secrets to Improve Your Image (1990) * Aquarian Guide to the New Age (1990) (with Eileen Campbell) * Understanding Reincarnation: Effective Techniques for Investigating Your Past Lives (1990) * How to Get Where You Want to Go (1991) * Discover Astral Projection (1991) * Nostradamus: Visions of the Future (1992) * Discover Reincarnation (1992) * True Ghost Stories (1993) * The Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit (1994) (with Eileen Campbell) * Body, Mind and Spirit: A Dictionary of New Age Ideas, People, Places, and Terms (1994) (with Eileen Campbell) * Time Travel: A New Perspective (1997) * Seriously Weird True Stories (1997) * Magick for Beginners (1998) * Martian Genesis (1998) * The Little Book of Nostradamus: Prophecies for the 21st Century (1999) * The Secret History of Ancient Egypt (2000) * The Magical I Ching (2000) * Magical Use of Thought Forms (2001) * Occult Tibet (2002) * Death - The Great Mystery of Life (2002) * Tibetan Magic and Mysticism (2006)


Beyond the Fourth Dimension (1975) * Power Play (1977) * Greythorn Woman (1979) * Dark Moon (1980) * Mindreach (1985) * The Curse of Frankenstein (1986) * Dracula's Castle (1986) * Monster Horrorshow (1987) * Barmy Jeffers and the Quasimodo Walk (1988) * Return of Barmy Jeffers and the Quasimodo Walk (1988) * Barmy Jeffers and the Shrinking Potion (1989) * The Crone (1989) * Ordeal by Poison (1992) * Ancient Spirit (1993) * Marcus Mustard (1994) * Capricorn: Capricorn's children (1995) * Cancer: Black Death (1995) * The Gravediggers (1996) * Blood brother (1997) * Kookaburra Dreaming (1997) * Zartog's Remote (2000) * In Miss Whitts class…. Being bored… Question mark (2009) * The Shadowproject (2010) * The Doomsday Box (2011)

Serie Faerie Wars

Faerie Wars (2003) * The Purple Emperor (2004) * Ruler of the Realm (2006) * Faerie Lord (2007) * The Faeman Quest (2011)


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