Jay Blumler

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Jay Blumler (18. února 1924 New York - 2021) byl americký teoretik komunikace a médií. Byl emeritním profesorem veřejné komunikace na University of Leeds a také emeritním profesorem žurnalistiky na University of Maryland, který svůj raný akademický život strávil převážně ve Velké Británii. Spolu s Elihu Katzem se podílel na teorii užití a uspokojení.

Vystudoval politologii na Antioch College a doktorandem se stal od roku 1947 na London School of Economics. Vyučoval na Ruskin College v Oxfordu a poté od roku 1963 působil v Leedsu jako vědecký pracovník Granada Television Research Fellow.


Television in Politics: Its Uses and Influences (1968), spoluautor Denis McQuail * The Uses of Mass Communications: Current Perspectives on Gratifications Research (1974), editor :Elihu Katz * The Challenge of Election Broadcasting. Report of an Enquiry by the Centre for Television Research, University of Leeds (1978) with Michael Gurevitch a Julian Ives * La télévision fait-elle l'élection. +more: Une analyse comparative, France, Grande-Bretagne, Belgique (1978) with Alison Ewbank and Claude Geerts * Communicating to Voters: Television in the First European Parliamentary Elections (1983) editor with Anthony D. Fox * Research on the Range and Quality of Broadcasting Services. A Report for the Committee on Financing the BBC. (HMSO 1986) with T. J. Nossiter, Malcolm Brynin * Wired Cities: Shaping the Future of Communications (1987) editor withWilliam H. Dutton and Kenneth L. Kramer * Broadcasting Finance in Transition: A Comparative Handbook (1991) editor with T. J. Nossiter * The Formation of Campaign Agendas: A Comparative Analysis of Party and Media Roles in Recent American and British Elections (1991) with Michael Gurevitch, Holli A Semetko, David H. Weaver * Comparatively Speaking: Communication and Culture across Space and Time (1992) editor with Jack M. McLeod, Karl Erik Rosengren * Television and the Public Interest: Vulnerable Values in Western European Broadcasting (1992) - editor * The Crisis of Public Communication (1995) s Michael Gurevitch.

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