Albert FloresSloupce erupce okolo 8:35 ráno 18. května 1980. __BEZOBSAHU__ Katastrofismus je názor, že Země byla v minulosti ovlivněna náhlou, krátkodobou, mohutnou události, možná i celosvětového rozsahu.
King, Clarence, Catastrophism and Evolution, The American Naturalist, Vol. 11, No. +more 8. (Aug. , 1877), pp. 449-470. * Lewin, R. (1993). Complexity, Dent, London, p. 75. * Palmer, T. (1994) Catastrophism, Neocatastrophism and Evolution. Society for Interdisciplinary Studies in association with Nottingham Trent University. (SIS) (Nottingham Trent University) * Rudwick, Martin J. S. The Meaning of Fossils. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago 1972. * McGowan, Christopher The Dragon Hunters. Persus Publishing: Cambridge MA 2001. * Zillmer, H. -J. Země versus katastrofy. Euromedia Group: Praha 2013.
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[url=http://www. pibburns. +morecom/catastro/extinct. htm]Catastrophism and Mass Extinctions[/url] * [url=http://www. psi. edu/projects/moon/moon. html]"The origin of the moon'. [/url] * [url=http://www. catastrophism. com/]Catastrophism. Man, Myth and Mayhem in Ancient History and the Sciences[/url] * [url=https://web. archive. org/web/20101119101814/http://answersincreation. org/catastrophism. htm]Answers In Creation - Catastrophism Article[/url].
Kategorie:Vědy o Zemi Kategorie:Katastrofy Kategorie:Kreacionismus Kategorie:Historiografie