Michael Young
Albert FloresŽivot
Michael Young se narodil v Manchesteru jako syn australského violisty a hudebního kritika a irské malířky a herečky. Do svých osmi let vyrůstal v Melbourne a do Anglie se vrátil těsně před rozvodem svých rodičů. +more Studoval ekonomii na London School of Economics a stal se advokátem.
Politická kariéra
Napsal satirické dílo The Rise of Meritocracy (1958), ve kterém zavedl pojem "meritokracie".
V roce 1978 mu byl udělen titul baron z Dartingtonu.
Will the War Make Us Poorer. [with Sir Henry Noel Young] (1943) * Civil Aviation (1944) * The Trial of Adolf Hitler (1944) * There's Work for All [with Theodor Prager] (1945) * Labour's Plan for Plenty (1947) * What is a Socialised Industry. +more (1947) * Small Man, Big World: A Discussion of Socialist Democracy (1949) * Fifty Million Unemployed (1952) * Study of the Extended Family in East London (1955) * Family and Kinship in East London [with Peter Willmott] (1957) * The Rise of the Meritocracy (1958) * Chipped White Cups of Dover: A Discussion of the Possibility of a New Progressive Party (1960) * Family and Class in a London Suburb [with Peter Willmott] (1960) * New Look at Comprehensive Schools [with Michael Armstrong] (1964) * Innovation and Research in Education (1967) * Forecasting and the Social Sciences [ed. ] (1968) * Hornsey Plan: A Role for Neighbourhood Councils in the New Local Government (1971) * Is Equality a Dream. (1972) * Lifeline Telephone Service for the Elderly: An Account of a Pilot Project in Hull [with Peter G. Gregory] (1972) * Learning Begins at Home: A Study of a Junior School and its Parents [with Patrick McGeeney] (1973) * Symmetrical Family: A Study of Work and Leisure in the London Region [with Peter Willmott] (1973) * Mutual Aid in a Selfish Society: A Plea for Strengthening the Co-operative Movement [with Marianne Rigge] (1979) * Building Societies and the Consumer: A Report [with Marianne Rigge] (1981) * Report from Hackney: A Study of an Inner-City Area [with others] (1981) * The Elmhirsts of Dartington: The Creation of an Utopian Community (1982) * Inflation, Unemployment and the Remoralisation of Society (1982) * Up the Hill to Cowley Street: Views of Tawney Members on SDP Policy [ed. with Tony Flower and Peter Hall] (1982) * Revolution from Within: Cooperatives and Cooperation in British Industry [with Marianne Rigge] (1983) * Social Scientist as Innovator (1983) * To Merge or Not to Merge. (1983) * Development of New Growth Areas: Workers' Cooperatives and Their Environment: Comparative Analysis with a View to Job Creation: Support for Worker Cooperatives in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Netherlands [with Marianne Rigge] (1985) * Metronomic Society: Natural Rhythms and Human Timetables (1988) * Rhythms of society [ed. with Tom Schuller] (1988) * Campaign for Children's After-School Clubs: The Case for Action [with Matthew Owen] (1991) * Life After Work: The Arrival of the Ageless Society [with Tom Schuller, Johnston Birchall and Gwyneth Vernon) (1991) * Governing London [with Jerry White] (1996) * The New East End: Kinship, Race and Conflict [with Geoff Dench and Kate Gavron] (2006).
Externí odkazy
[url=http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/jbl16110.htm]Michael Young 1915-2002 - Social Entrepreneur[/url] The Jobs Letter, 14 February 2002
Kategorie:Britští sociologové Kategorie:Britští politici Kategorie:Členové Labouristické strany Kategorie:Narození v roce 1915 Kategorie:Narození 9. +more srpna Kategorie:Narození v Manchesteru Kategorie:Úmrtí v roce 2002 Kategorie:Úmrtí 14. ledna Kategorie:Úmrtí v Londýně Kategorie:Pohřbení na hřbitově v Highgate Kategorie:Muži.