Oceans of Fantasy

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Oceans of Fantasy je čtvrté studiové album skupiny Boney M. vydané v září 1979. Toto album se stalo druhým v pořadí, které se umístilo na špičce britského hudebního žebříčku.

Seznam skladeb

Strana A:

# "Let It All Be Music" (W. S. +more van Vugt) # "Gotta Go Home" (Music by Frank Farian, Heinz Huth, Jürgen Huth - Lyrics by F. Jay) # "Bye Bye Bluebird" (Frank Farian, Fred Jay and George Reyam) # "Bahama Mama" (Music by Frank Farian, Lyrics by Fred Jay) # "Hold On I'm Coming" (Isaac Hayes, David Porter) # "Two of Us" (Written by Paul McCartney,[2] credited to Lennon/McCartney) # "Ribbons Of Blue" (Written by Keith Forsey, L. Andrew).

Strana B:

# "Oceans Of Fantasy" (Dietmar Kawohl, Didi Zill, Fred Jay) - 5:26 # "El Lute" (Frank Farian, Fred Jay, Hans Blum) # "No More Chain Gang" (Rainer Ehrhardt, Frank Farian and Fred Jay) # "I'm Born Again" (Written by Traditional, Helmut Rulofs and Fred Jay) - 4:08 # "No Time To Lose" (Frank Farian, Fred Jay, Stefan Klinkhammer) # "The Calendar Song (January, February, March ...)" (Traditional, Frank Farian)

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