Paul Motian

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Paul Motian (25. března 1931 Filadelfie, Pensylvánie - 22. listopadu 2011 New York) byl americký jazzový bubeník a skladatel. Na bicí začal hrát ve dvanácti letech. Svou profesiální kariéru zahájil v roce 1954, když hrál s Thelonious Monkem. Od roku 1959 do roku 1964 byl členem tria Billa Evanse. Po řadu let hrál také s Keithem Jarrettem (1967-1976).



Conception Vessel (ECM, 1972) * Tribute (ECM, 1974) * Dance (ECM, 1977) * Le Voyage (ECM, 1979) * Psalm (ECM, 1982) * The Story of Maryam (Soul Note, 1984) * Jack of Clubs (Soul Note, 1985) * It Should've Happened a Long Time Ago (ECM, 1985) * Misterioso (Soul Note, 1986) * One Time Out (Soul Note, 1987) * Monk in Motian (JMT, 1988) * On Broadway Volume 1 (JMT, 1989) * Bill Evans (JMT, 1990) * On Broadway Volume 2 (JMT, 1990) * Motian in Tokyo (JMT, 1991) * On Broadway Volume 3 (JMT, 1991) * Paul Motian and the Electric Bebop Band (JMT, 1992) * Trioism (JMT, 1993) * Reincarnation of a Love Bird (JMT, 1994) * Sound of Love (Winter & Winter, 1995 [1997]) * At the Village Vanguard (JMT, 1995) * Flight of the Blue Jay (Winter & Winter, 1998) * 2000 + One (Winter & Winter, 1997 [1999]) * Play Monk and Powell (Winter & Winter, 1998 [1999]) * Europe (Winter & Winter, 2000 [2001]) * Holiday for Strings (Winter & Winter, 2001 [2002]) * I Have the Room Above Her (ECM, 2004 [2005]) * Garden of Eden (ECM, 2004 [2007]) * On Broadway Vol. 4 or The Paradox of Continuity (Winter & Winter, 2005) * Time and Time Again (ECM, 2006) * Live at the Village Vanguard (Winter & Winter, 2006 [2007]) * Live at the Village Vanguard Vol. +more II (Winter & Winter, 2006 [2008]) * Live at the Village Vanguard Vol. III (Winter & Winter, 2006 [2010]) * On Broadway Volume 5 (Winter & Winter, 2009) * Lost in a Dream (ECM, 2010) * The Windmills of Your Mind (Winter & Winter, 2011).

s Michaelem Adkinsem * Rotator (HatHut, 2008) s Geri Allenem a Charlie Hadenem * In the Year of the Dragon (JMT, 1989) * Segments (DIW, 1989) * Live at the Village Vanguard (DIW, 1991) s Timem Bernem (+ Ed Schuller a C. Herb Robertson) * Songs and Rituals in Real Time (Empire, 1982/Screwgun, 1998) * The Ancestors (Soul Note/CAM Jazz, 1982) * Mutant Variations (Soul Note/CAM Jazz, 1984) s Samuelem Blaserem * Consort in Motion (Kind of Blue, 2011) s Paulem Bleyem * Paul Bley with Gary Peacock (ECM, 1970) * Fragments (ECM, 1986) * Notes (Soul Note, 1987) * The Paul Bley Quartet (ECM, 1987) * Memoirs (Soul Note, 1990) + Charlie Haden * Zen Palace (Transheart, 1993) + Steve Swallow * Not Two, Not One (ECM, 1998) + Gary Peacock s Jakobem Bro (+ Bill Frisell, Lee Konitz a Ben Street) * Balladeering (Loveland, 2009) s Chickem Coreou a Eddie Gomezem * Further Explorations (Universal Classics/Jazz Japan, 2011) s Marilyn Crispell * Nothing Ever Was, Anyway: Music of Annette Peacock (ECM, 1997) * Amaryllis (ECM, 2000) * Storyteller (ECM, 2003) s Billem Evansem * New Jazz Conceptions (Riverside, 1957) * Portrait in Jazz (Riverside, 1959) * Explorations (Riverside, 1961) * Sunday at the Village Vanguard (Riverside, 1961) * Waltz for Debby (Riverside, 1961) * How My Heart Sings. +more (Riverside, 1962) * Moon Beams (Riverside, 1962) * Nirvana (Atlantic, 1962) + Herbie Mann * Trio '64 (Verve, 1963) s Pierrem Favre * Singing Drums (ECM, 1984) s Billem Frisellem * Rambler (ECM, 1985) * Bill Frisell, Ron Carter, Paul Motian (Nonesuch, 2006) s Anat Fort (+ Perry Robinson a Ed Schullerú * A Long Story (ECM, 2004) s Charlie Hadenem * Liberation Music Orchestra (Impulse. 1969) * Closeness (Horizon/Verve, 1976) * Ballad of the Fallen (ECM, 1982) * Etudes (Soul Note, 1987) * The Montreal Tapes: with Geri Allen and Paul Motian (Verve, 1989 [1997]) * The Montreal Tapes: with Gonzalo Rubalcaba and Paul Motian (Verve, 1989 [1997]) * The Montreal Tapes: with Paul Bley and Paul Motian (Verve, 1989 [1994]) * The Montreal Tapes: Liberation Music Orchestra (Verve, 1989 [1997]) * Dream Keeper (Blue Note, 1989) s Keithem Jarrettem * Life Between the Exit Signs (Vortex, 1967) * Somewhere Before (Atlantic, 1968) * The Mourning of a Star (Atlantic, 1971) * El Juicio (The Judgement) (Atlantic, 1971) * Birth (Atlantic, 1971) * Expectations (Columbia, 1972) * Fort Yawuh (Impulse. , 1973) * Treasure Island (Impulse. , 1974) * Backhand (Impulse. , 1974) * Death and the Flower (Impulse. , 1974) * Mysteries (Impulse. , 1975) * Shades (Impulse. , 1975) * Bop-Be (Impulse. , 1976) * The Survivors' Suite (ECM, 1976) * Eyes of the Heart (ECM, 1979) * At the Deer Head Inn (ECM, 1992) s Masabumi Kikuchi * Sunrise (ECM, 2012) s Frankem Kimbroughem * Play (Palmetto, 2006) s Lee Konitzem, Brad Mehldau, Charlie Hadenem * Live at Birdland (ECM, 2011) s Russ Lossing * Dreamer (Double Time, 2000) * As It Grows (Hat Hut, 2004) s Joe Lovanoem * Village Rhythm (Soul Note, 1988) * I'm All for You (Blue Note, 2004) * Joyous Encounter (Blue Note, 2005) s Billem McHenrym * Bill McHenry Quartet Featuring Paul Motian (Fresh Sound, 2002) * Roses (Sunny Side, 2007) * Ghosts of the Sun (Sunny Side, 2011) Stephan Oliva a Bruno Chevillon * Fantasm - The Music of Paul Motian (BMG France/RCA Victor, 2000) s Enriconem Pieranunzi * Flux and Change (Soul Note, 1995) s Augustem Pirroddaou * No Comment (Jazzwerkstatt, 2011) s Enricem Rava * Tati (ECM, 2004) * New York Days (ECM, 2008) s Martinem Speakem (+ Bobo Stenson a Mick Hutton) * Change of Heart (ECM, 2002) Bobo Stensonem (+ Anders Jormin) * Goodbye (ECM, 2005) s Jacobem Sacksem (+ Eivind Opsvik a Mat Maneri) * Two Miles a Day (Yeah Yeah, 2005) s Tethered Moon' (trio Masabumi Kikuchi a Gary Peacock) * First Meeting (Winter & Winter, 1997) * Chansons d’Édith Piaf (Winter & Winter, 1999) * Experiencing Tosca (Winter & Winter, 2004) Pietro Tonolo Gil Goldstein a Steve Swallow * Your Songs: The Music of Elton John (ObliqSound, 2007).

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