Penelope Lively

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

Penelope Lively (* 17. března 1933 Káhira) je britská spisovatelka, nositelka Bookerovy ceny za knihu Moon Tiger. K jejím oceněním patří rovněž Řád britského impéria (kategorie: OBE-1989; CBE-2001; DBE-2012).


Penelope Lively se narodila v Egyptě, kde žila do svých dvanácti let. Za vyšším vzděláním byla poslána do Anglie. +more Svá studia moderních dějin dokončila na „St Anne's College“ Oxfordské univerzity. V roce 1957 se provdala za Jacka Livelyho († 1998). Penelope má dceru a syna a žije v severním Londýně.


Beletrie pro děti

Astercote (1970)

* The Whispering Knights (1971) * The Wild Hunt of Hagworthy (1971) * The Driftway (1972) * The Ghost of Thomas Kempe (1973) - Carnegie Medal * The House in Norham Gardens (1974) * Going Back (1975) * Boy Without a Name (1975) * A Stitch in Time (1976) - Whitbread Children's Book Award * The Stained Glass Window (1976) * Fanny's Sister (1976) * The Voyage of QV66 (1978) * Fanny and the Monsters (1978) * Fanny and the Battle of Potter's Piece (1980) * The Revenge of Samuel Stokes (1981) * Uninvited Ghosts and other stories (1984) * Dragon Trouble (1984) * Debbie and the Little Devil (1987) * A House Inside Out (1987) * Princess by Mistake (1993) * Judy and the Martian (1993) * The Cat, the Crow and the Banyan Tree (1994) * Good Night, Sleep Tight (1995) * Two Bears and Joe (1995) * Staying with Grandpa (1995) * A Martian Comes to Stay (1995) * The Disastrous Dog (1995) * Ghostly Guests (1997) * One, Two, Three . Jump. +more (1998) * In Search of a Homeland: The Story of The Aeneid (2001).

Beletrie pro dospělé

The Road to Lichfield (1977) - finalista Booker Prize * Nothing Missing but the Samovar, and other stories (1978) - Southern Arts Literature Prize * Treasures of Time (1979) - Arts Council of Great Britain National Book Award * Judgment Day (1980) * Next to Nature, Art (1982) * Perfect Happiness (1983) * Corruption, and other stories (1984) * According to Mark (1984) - finalista Booker Prize * Pack of Cards, collected short stories 1978-1986 (1986) * Měsíční tygr (Moon Tiger, 1987); nakladatelství Host, 2019, ISBN 978-80-7577-789-8 - kniha oceněná Booker Prize * Passing On (1989) * City of the Mind (1991) * Cleopatra's Sister (1993) * V horkých vlnách (Heat Wave, 1996); nakladatelství Aurora, 2001, ISBN 80-7299-035-7 * Beyond the Blue Mountains (1997) * Spiderweb (1998) * The Photograph (2003) * Making it up (2005) * Consequences (2007) * Family Album (2009) - finalista Costa Book Awards * How It All Began (2011) * The Purple Swamp Hen and Other stories (2017)


The Presence of the Past: An introduction to landscape history (1976) * Oleander, Jacaranda: a Childhood Perceived (1994), autobiografie * A House Unlocked (2001), autobiografie * Ammonites and Leaping Fish (2013), vzpomínky * Život v zahradě (Life in the Garden, 2013; vzpomínky, nakl. Host, 2019, ISBN 978-80-7577-788-1

5 min read
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