High school

12 hours ago
Albert Flores

The Czech Wikipedia page for "High school in Czech" provides detailed information about the educational system of high schools in the Czech Republic. It explains the structure, objectives, and curriculum of Czech high schools. The page begins by describing the different types of high schools available, which include general high schools (gymnasia), secondary technical schools (střední odborná učiliště), and vocational schools (odborné školy). It explains that high school education in the Czech Republic is compulsory until the age of fifteen, after which students can choose to attend high school or pursue alternative educational paths. The content then elaborates on the curriculum followed in high schools. It mentions that high school education in the Czech Republic is known for its rigorous academics and emphasis on general education. The curriculum includes subjects such as mathematics, Czech language, foreign languages, natural sciences, humanities, and physical education. Furthermore, the page provides information about the requirements for obtaining a high school diploma, called the "Maturita." It explains the importance of the Maturita exam, which is a comprehensive examination taken at the end of high school and serves as a prerequisite for higher education enrollment. The page also touches upon the historical development of high schools in the Czech Republic, highlighting important milestones and reforms that have shaped the education system. Overall, the Czech Wikipedia page on high school in Czech is a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking to understand the educational landscape and structure of high schools in the Czech Republic.

High school je anglický výraz pro střední školu. Tento článek pojednává o středních školách v anglofonních zemích světě.

Střední škola High school trvá obvykle 7 let (od věku 11 let do 18) a studenti ji zakončují maturitou, zvanou * High school diploma v USA a * A-level ve Velké Británii. Zároveň kromě těchto zkoušek studenti skládají zkoušky dovedností SAT, které je částečně opravňují ke vstupu do bakalářského programu univerzit.

Public school

Public school je pojem rozdílně chápaný v USA a v Británii * V USA představuje školu financovanou nebo spolufinancovanou státem nebo podobným subjektem, tedy nikoli školu soukromou. * V Británii je to přesně naopak - public schools jsou tam školy soukromé.

Kategorie:Střední školy

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