
12 hours ago
Albert Flores

The "Role in Czech" Wikipedia page is interested in outlining the historical and contemporary significance of the Czech Republic's role within Europe and on the global stage. It points out that the Czech Republic, as a landlocked Central European country, has often been caught between larger powers throughout its history, resulting in periods of autonomy and foreign domination. The page emphasizes the cultural and political influences that have shaped the Czech Republic. These include the country's position on important trade routes between East and West, the mix of German, Austrian, and Slavic influences, and the long-standing rivalry with neighboring Germany. The page also highlights the role of Czechs in the creation of the Czechoslovak state after World War I and their struggle for independence from Soviet influence during the Velvet Revolution in 1989. It mentions important figures such as Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, the first President of Czechoslovakia, and Václav Havel, a dissident playwright who later became the country's first President after the Velvet Revolution. Furthermore, the page discusses the Czech Republic's membership in international organizations such as the European Union and NATO, emphasising the country's desire for integration with Western Europe and its commitment to democratic values. It also mentions the Czech Republic's economic development since the fall of communism, becoming one of the most prosperous countries in Central Europe. In conclusion, the "Role in Czech" Wikipedia page provides an overview of the Czech Republic's historical and contemporary significance. It highlights the country's geographical position, cultural influences, struggles for independence, and international integration.

Slovo role může znamenat:

* pole * Role (hudební skupina) - česká hudební skupina * role (informační technologie) - určuje rozsah povolených činností uživatele v informačním systému * role (jednotka) - předpokládaná stará jednotka plošného obsahu (asi 2 záhony = 790 metrů čtverečních) * role (úloha) (původně svitek s poznámkami pro jednoho herce) ** herecká role - herecká úloha, ztvárnění nějaké dramatické postavy ** Role Playing Game, RPG - Hra na hrdiny ** sociální role - očekávané jednání jedince podle jeho sociálního postavení *** skupinové role * smotek (látky, papíru, plechu apod.), svitek ** role (heraldika) - pergamenový svitek obsahující vyobrazení či popis erbů

název sídla * Nová Role - město na Karlovarsku * Stará Role - část města Karlovy Vary

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