Mensa Select
Albert FloresMensa Select je každoroční ocenění Americké Mensy (národní pobočka Mensy International), které je od roku 1990 udíleno vždy pětici stolních (deskových, případně karetních) her, které „jsou originální, stimulující a mají pěkné provedení“. Ocenění je vyhlašováno během Mensa Mind Games - výročního mensovního turnaje v deskových hrách (místo konání je v závorce za rokem).
Seznam oceněných her
1990 (New York)
Taboo * Scattergories * Tribond * Abalone * Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition
1991 (New York)
Pyramis * Lapis * Set * Master Labyrinth * Clue: The Great Museum Caper
1992 (New York)
Kinesis * Q4 * Terrace * Traverse * Why Not?
1993 (New York)
Farook * Inklings * Overturn * Quadrature * Quarto
1994 (New York)
Char * Chung Toi * Down Fall * Magic: The Gathering * Pyraos
1995 (New York)
Wordspin Scramble * Continuo * Duo * Quixo * The Great Dalmuti
1996 (Atlanta)
Rat-a-Tat Cat * Pirateer * Take 6 * Quadwrangle * Touche
1997 (Chicago)
Hattrick * Rush Hour * Quoridor * Sagarian * Stops
1998 (Phoenix)
Avalam * Cube Checkers * Kram * Spy Alley * Wadjet
1999 (Seattle)
Apples to Apples * Bollox (jinak též Bōku) * Doubles Wild * Fluxx * Quiddler
2000 (Atlanta)
3 Stones * Finish Lines * Imaginiff... * Time's Up! * ZÈRTZ (GIPF projekt)
2001 (Medina)
Brainstrain * Dao * Metro * Shapes Up! * Thepollgame
2002 (Minneapolis)
Curses! * DVONN (GIPF projekt) * Muggins * Smart Mouth * The Legend of Landlock
2003 (Houston)
Blokus * Cityscape * Fire and Ice * Octiles * TransAmerica
2004 (Chicago)
10 Days in Africa * Basari * The Bridges of Shangri-La * Rumis * YINSH (GIPF projekt)
2005 (Tampa)
Da Vinci's Challenge * Ingenious * Loot * Niagara * Zendo
2006 (Portland)
Deflexion * Hive * Keesdrow * Pentago * Wits and Wagers
2007 (Pittsburgh)
Gemlok * Gheos * Hit or Miss (nikoliv stejnojmenná karetní hra pro jednoho) * Qwirkle ([url=]MindWare[/url]) * Skullduggery
2008 (Phoenix)
AmuseAmaze ([url=http://www. hlgames. +morecom]HL Games[/url]) * Eye Know ([url=https://web. archive. org/web/20160806024448/http://www. eyeknowgame. com/]Wiggles 3D Inc. [/url]) * Jumbulaya ([url=https://web. archive. org/web/20180307092632/http://platypusgames. com/]Platypus Games[/url]) * Pixel ([url=http://www. educationalinsights. com]Educational Insights[/url] ) * Tiki Topple ([url=http://www. gamewright. com]Gamewright[/url]).
2009 (Cincinnati)
Cornerstone ([url=http://www. goodcompanygames. +morecom]Good Company Games[/url]) * Dominion * Marrakech ([url=https://web. archive. org/web/20101201222605/http://spiritgames. co. uk/gamesin. php. UniqueNo=4021]Gigamic[/url]) * Stratum * Tic-Tac-Ku ([url=https://web. archive. org/web/20100118134811/http://www. growingtreetoys. com/product/tic-tac-ku-game]Mad Cave Bird Games[/url]).
2010 (San Diego)
Anomia * Dizios ([url=]MindWare[/url]) * Forbidden Island * Word on the Street * Yikerz! ([url=]Wiggles 3D Inc.[/url])
2011 (Albany)
InStructures * Pastiche * Pirate versus Pirate * Stomple * Uncle Chestnut’s Table Gype
2012 (Herndon)
Coerceo * IOTA * Mind Shift * Snake Oil * Tetris Link
2013 (St. Louis)
Forbidden Desert * Ghooost. * KerFlip. +more * Kulami ([url=http://www. foxmind. com/games/1478-kulami]Foxmind[/url] ) * Suburbia ([url=https://web. archive. org/web/20130812082025/http://beziergames. com/suburbia. html]Bezier Games[/url]).
2014 (Austin)
Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension * Qwixx * Pyramix * The Duke * Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia
2015 (San Diego)
Castles of Mad King Ludwig * Dragonwood * Lanterns: The Harvest Festival * Letter Tycoon * Trekking the National Parks
2016 (Wheeling)
Circular Reasoning * Favor of the Pharaoh * The Last Spike * New York 1901 * World’s Fair 1893
2017 (Herndon)
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Externí odkazy
[url=https://web. archive. +moreorg/web/20130802150619/http://www. us. mensa. org/shop/mensaselect/]Stránka Mensa Select[/url] na webu Americké Mensy * [url=http://mindgames. us. mensa. org/]Stránka Mind Games[/url].
Kategorie:Ocenění společenských her Kategorie:Americká ocenění Kategorie:Mensa